Monday, November 17, 2008

Quote 'Em Up

"I invented Aubrey Beardsley."
- Oscar Wilde

"...Now you know, even Mozart... wrote... music. Yeah? I like that too."
- Herbie Hancock

"Folks, even our sperm-banks are failing. Evidently there truly is a worldwide problem with liquidity."
- Stephen Colbert

"You can take any character and make them the hero of their own story."
- Orson Scott Card

"You're treated like other humans, so stop with the angst."
- Batou

"...A cynic might wonder if Wasilla High School’s English and geography departments are draped in black."
- Dick Cavett

"A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason."
- John Pierpont Morgan

"On a warm summer day you'll find him there relaxing in the shadows. Tapping his toe, under a tree, down in Kangarooster Meadows."
- HORSE The Band

"...You know he's right, the electoral system in Alaska is a little different. First poll-workers collect the ballot boxes, then there is overnight transport which is handed off to the deputy election official. All ballots are counted and the loser is eaten by a Wampis [sic] and then the Wampis [sic] has its arm cut off..."
-Jon Stewart

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